private loans interest rates

We have been asked several times recently if we could do loans for foreign nationals. For some reason, this seems to be a hot topic.

It is probably due to the lack of financing available for deals that fall outside the box that the bank loans must fit into. Combine that with the fact that there are a lot of people who have money and want to invest in real estate when it is at or near the bottom of the market and you have a need for things like this.

Now to answer the question, yes, we can do loans for foreign nationals as long as the rest of the deal makes sense. This goes for anyone who either doesn’t have a social security number or who doesn’t have any credit at all.

As full disclosure, anyone who gets a loan must be able to provide identification that complies with the Patriot Act. Don’t worry about learning all the requirements yourself. You can always contact us and we can help you figure out if you or your client have the documentation needed. Most people do.

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